Sunday, September 19, 2010


If there's one person who've taken the subject philosophy and logic seriously, well, that's me. Sometimes my brain feels like bursting with all the reasons and reasons and endless reasons. Wooooh, I should have an outlet for this.Thanks to this blog, even if I haven't devoted so much time in it, it doesn't fail to give me a space when I needed it the most. Okay, let the thoughts out and to y'all out there who could read it, tell me if I've got the point below right and logical.

1. KARMA - I believe in karma since the day its definition bounded my mind. Yup, the concept, the belief and the laws that makes it somehow logical for me. Anyways, karma isn't just about bad fallbacks, cause there are good karma too. what comes around goes around. Be good and you'll reap good and plant evil and you'll saw evil.

Just a thought!


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