Sunday, September 19, 2010


If there's one person who've taken the subject philosophy and logic seriously, well, that's me. Sometimes my brain feels like bursting with all the reasons and reasons and endless reasons. Wooooh, I should have an outlet for this.Thanks to this blog, even if I haven't devoted so much time in it, it doesn't fail to give me a space when I needed it the most. Okay, let the thoughts out and to y'all out there who could read it, tell me if I've got the point below right and logical.

1. KARMA - I believe in karma since the day its definition bounded my mind. Yup, the concept, the belief and the laws that makes it somehow logical for me. Anyways, karma isn't just about bad fallbacks, cause there are good karma too. what comes around goes around. Be good and you'll reap good and plant evil and you'll saw evil.

Just a thought!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bubble Thoughts Thursday

Doing some blog hops today. And I found this one:

Situation: My sister ranting that her friend copied her topic for the composition (homework). After a deliberate question and answer portion, I found out that the teacher gave them 3 topics to choose from.
Bubble Thought: Oh my, Thank God your my sister. 

Situation: Every topic I wanted to post were already written on other's blogs.
Bubble Thought: If I'll post something like that, would they file a case against me (plagiarism)

two bubble thoughts? OMG not good yet,

Monday, July 26, 2010

Respect is earned not imposed!

Image Source: MS Powerpoint clip-art
Why do people work? Answers were so obvious yet I keep on asking the same question over and over again. Hell, I don't need to enumerate them all here and besides anyone knows the reason. But for me, earning a living isn't the only why people should stay on their job and be committed to death for the benefit of the corporation (well it's my reason).

From the time I earned my degree, I worked for few companies only. I'm counting years because I am making sure that I am engaging in a kind of work that I love to do and I like the people I work with (not at first but eventually). I have respects to my superiors. The positions they held themselves gives them the right to be respected. But what a great "great due respect" it would be if subordinates respect you not because of the position but because of the kind of person you are. I may understand that higher positions means big  huge responsibilities, yes!!! more stress yet they shouldn't forget how is it to be human. You couldn't rant like the hell is on your shoulder just because you are pissed off with few of your people. What about those who doesn't deserve your wrath and work all their way to the office and rendered their service even with some compromises at stake. Oh BIG BOSSES you can't be so foolish like that! If you want the team to be professional in all aspects, be an example to them. Scold only those who did the mistake and do it the nice way. Remember, "any words no matter how bad it is when said in the nicest way possible will look good than good words said in high tone".

Friday, July 23, 2010

Billy Blogging

Image Source: MS Powerpoint clip-art
Woah, it took me one week just to start this blog. I've been thinking about writing a blog yet choosing a title is the most difficult challenge. I consulted Mr. Google for some tips and he didn't fail to give me the best. I wanted to name this one "Felicity" but that is not a good option since there would be times I will write about sad and bad memories, which are inevitable because we're just humans. "Sophia" is also a choice however, that would limit the topic because for sure times for writer's block would come.

Why not name this with "Just Billy". Just me nothing more and nothing less and my constant musing, ranting and journey in this imperfect world with imperfect people and of course the imperfect me. By the way, I'm Billy and I am a girl.